City of Music: Triumph & Tragedy
In the City of Music
Mahler's Methods
Each of the regiments stationed in Iglau had its own band, and each band came from a different corner of Europe. Nevertheless, military signals were the same all over the Empire, and literal quotes of these trumpet calls abound in Mahler.
In the Third Symphony, the call of “Fall in!”
brings the daydreaming posthorn back to earth.
The Fifth Symphony opens famously and strikingly with a haunting trumpet solo that seems to warn us of approaching tragedy. The passage is made up of two common signals, changed from major to minor:
the General Appel (General Call)
and the call Habt Acht! (Take Care!)
Mahler’s Fifth Symphony makes obsessive use of the “fate” motive of Beethoven’s Fifth.
Initially it’s a motif of gentle urgency (and also an inversion of the piece’s opening fanfare) that accompanies the most intimate music of the first movement.
In the second movement, the same music returns in a shriller orchestration, sounding like a mocking laugh or an accusing cry.